April 7 :: Good Friday :: 5pm & 6:30pm

On Good Friday, we celebrate the day we were set free from our sin through the death of God’s son, Jesus.

Our Good Friday services will be at 5pm and 6:30pm. We will have childcare for infants-PreK during both services, a Special Needs class during the 6:30pm service.

April 9 :: Easter Sunday :: 9am & 11am

“He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.” - Matthew 28:6

Easter Sunday morning is as big a cataclysmic event as the world has ever or will ever see. Death has been defeated! The grave has been overcome by the risen Christ. We rightly celebrate Easter morning each year.

Join us at 9am or 11am as we celebrate Easter. We will have classes for infants-4th grade during both services, and a Special Needs class during the 11am service.